
Election News


Posts tagged impeachment
A Look At Party Switching and Why Jeff Van Drew Will Not Win Re-election As A Republican

On December 14, 2019, it was reported that New Jersey Congressman Jeff Van Drew, a Democrat, would switch parties and become a Republican… Party switching while in office is extremely rare as only eight member of the House and 4 members of the Senate have switched during the last 20 years.

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Pete Buttigieg has broken out in the polls in recent weeks. This has been especially pronounced in early primary and caucus states such as New Hampshire and Iowa. Buttigieg’s relentless advertising and voter outreach has been paying dividends for his campaign as recent polls show him ahead in both Iowa and New Hampshire.

With the bump in the polls, expect several candidates, especially Elizabeth Warren, Bernie Sanders and Amy Klobuchar to go after Buttigieg.

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