
Election News


Posts tagged amy klobuchar
South Carolina Primary Preview: Joe Biden's Last Stand

South Carolina will provide the first true test of Joe Biden’s support among black voters. For the entire 2020 campaign we have heard endlessly about Biden’s strength among black voters. So far, however, Biden has been unable to utilize his support among black voters. Iowa and New Hampshire contained a miniscule number of black voters, while in Nevada, Latinos are the dominant minority group. Now, in the fourth contest of the Democratic Primary, we will finally be able to gauge where black voters stand in the 2020 Primary.

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Nevada Caucus Preview: Will Bernie Sanders’ Latino Outreach Pay Off?

Although he slightly under-performed in Iowa and New Hampshire relative to his polling numbers, Bernie Sanders is in a solid position to win Nevada and take advantage of the state’s diversity. Recent polling has indicated that Sanders has made significant inroads, in particular, with the Latino population. A Data for Progress poll showed Sanders garnering an impressive 66 percent of the Latino vote. If Sanders does indeed receive this amount of support from Nevada’s robust Latino community, then he will be very difficult to beat.

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New Hampshire Primary Preview

Despite the large field, New Hampshire appears destined to be a contest between Pete Buttigieg and Bernie Sanders. The top two vote-getters in the Iowa Caucus have also led by a wide margin in recent polling in New Hampshire. Sanders in particular, due to being from neighboring Vermont, has long made winning New Hampshire a priority of his…

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No Democrat has had a better last three months than Bernie Sanders. After Sanders’ heart attack in early October, 2019, it appeared that his entire campaign might be in jeopardy. Elizabeth Warren was surging in the polls and threatened to take over the mantle as the liberal standard-bearer of the Democratic Party. As evidenced in the polls, at the time, it seemed as if the magic that had carried Sanders in 2016 was beginning to wane. Just three months later, however, Bernie Sanders have firmly established his place as the front runner in the Iowa Caucus. 

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Pete Buttigieg and Amy Klobuchar are inextricably linked in most facets. Their base of voters may differ slightly with Klobuchar voters being more likely to have graduated college, but their appeal and folksy natures are quite similar. The two candidates have overlapping qualities that draw in voters not just for their personalities, but also for their perceived even-keel approach to politics…

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2016 was an unmitigated disaster for Democrats in Iowa. Donald Trump trounced Hillary Clinton by 9.5% as many farmers and blue-collar workers turned on the Democrats. Nowhere was this shellacking more emblematic than in Clinton County. Barack Obama had carried Clinton County with vote totals of 60.6% and 60.8% in 2012 and 2008 respectively. Donald Trump, however, carried Clinton County 48.9% to 43.8% over Hillary Clinton in 2016. Once reliable Democrat voters had suddenly fled the party seemingly overnight. It is these very same voters that Democrats must win back in order to flip the State of Iowa blue in 2020…

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Pete Buttigieg has broken out in the polls in recent weeks. This has been especially pronounced in early primary and caucus states such as New Hampshire and Iowa. Buttigieg’s relentless advertising and voter outreach has been paying dividends for his campaign as recent polls show him ahead in both Iowa and New Hampshire.

With the bump in the polls, expect several candidates, especially Elizabeth Warren, Bernie Sanders and Amy Klobuchar to go after Buttigieg.

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