
Election News


Posts tagged democrat
Illinois Congressional District 14 Preview: Can Lauren Underwood Hold Off The Milk Dud?

With its exurban makeup, the 14th Congressional District of Illinois will represent a critical test for Republicans seeking to regain lost ground from the 2018 Midterm elections. The 2020 race between incumbent Democrat Lauren Underwood and perennial Republican challenger Jim Oberweis is expected to be one of the tightest races in the country…

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Pete Buttigieg and Amy Klobuchar are inextricably linked in most facets. Their base of voters may differ slightly with Klobuchar voters being more likely to have graduated college, but their appeal and folksy natures are quite similar. The two candidates have overlapping qualities that draw in voters not just for their personalities, but also for their perceived even-keel approach to politics…

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2016 was an unmitigated disaster for Democrats in Iowa. Donald Trump trounced Hillary Clinton by 9.5% as many farmers and blue-collar workers turned on the Democrats. Nowhere was this shellacking more emblematic than in Clinton County. Barack Obama had carried Clinton County with vote totals of 60.6% and 60.8% in 2012 and 2008 respectively. Donald Trump, however, carried Clinton County 48.9% to 43.8% over Hillary Clinton in 2016. Once reliable Democrat voters had suddenly fled the party seemingly overnight. It is these very same voters that Democrats must win back in order to flip the State of Iowa blue in 2020…

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How Bernie Sanders’ Online Army Crushed Elizabeth Warren

Elizabeth Warren and Bernie Sanders are on a collision course. The pair share similar progressive ideologies and have been an uncompromising force during the 2020 campaign. A plurality of Warren’s supporters would pick Sanders as their second choice if Warren were to drop out. This is mirrored by Sanders’ supporters who would choose Warren as their second choice. Despite their overlapping voting bases, Warren and Sanders have rarely gone after each other and have often tag teamed against their more moderate rivals. 

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Bernie Sanders 4th quarter fundraising shows that he must be taken seriously by all remaining candidates. While many have written Sanders off, especially after his heart attack in October, 2019, Sanders may now have the necessary ammunition to take the Democratic nomination. Sanders has set the 2020 Democratic field ablaze with his staggering $34.5 million fundraising haul in the fourth quarter of 2019…

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A Look At Party Switching and Why Jeff Van Drew Will Not Win Re-election As A Republican

On December 14, 2019, it was reported that New Jersey Congressman Jeff Van Drew, a Democrat, would switch parties and become a Republican… Party switching while in office is extremely rare as only eight member of the House and 4 members of the Senate have switched during the last 20 years.

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The Inexplicable Candidacy of Deval Patrick

What if I told you that a former Massachusetts governor and Harvard graduate was entering the 2020 Presidential race? This former governor not only worked for Bain Capital but is also accepting Super Pac money in his quest for the presidency. Based on this description, you would think that current Utah Senator Mitt Romney (R) must be running a quixotic bid to unseat Donald Trump, right?

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Pete Buttigieg has broken out in the polls in recent weeks. This has been especially pronounced in early primary and caucus states such as New Hampshire and Iowa. Buttigieg’s relentless advertising and voter outreach has been paying dividends for his campaign as recent polls show him ahead in both Iowa and New Hampshire.

With the bump in the polls, expect several candidates, especially Elizabeth Warren, Bernie Sanders and Amy Klobuchar to go after Buttigieg.

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Jon Bel Edwards, like Mississippi’s Jim Hood, is not your typical Democrat. Edwards is pro-life, and supports gun rights, but has also championed liberal initiatives including Medicaid expansion and voting rights. The Louisiana Democrat is always quick to tout his bipartisan bona fides and has often decried the polarization of politics.

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After all the hype, fundraising and live streaming, former Congressman Beto O’Rourke dropped out of the 2020 presidential race. It was a stunning fall for a candidate that was once viewed as a potential top three contender for the Democrat nomination. After O’Rourke’s narrow defeat at the hands of Ted Cruz, in 2018, it seemed all but a given that not only would he run for president…

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